Dokumen Abu Dhabi

  1. Keyakinan yang teguh bahwa ajaran-ajaran autentik agama mengundang kita untuk tetap berakar pada nilai-nilai perdamaian; untuk mempertahankan nilai-nilai pengertian timbal-balik, persaudaraan manusia dan hidup bersama yang harmonis; untuk membangun kembali kebijaksanaan, keadilan dan kasih; dan untuk membangkitkan kembali kesadaran beragama di kalangan orang-orang muda sehingga generasi mendatang dapat dilindungi dari ranah pemikiran materialistis dan dari kebijakan berbahaya akan keserakahan dan ketidakpedulian tak terkendali berdasarkan pada hukum kekuatan dan bukan pada kekuatan hukum;
  2. Kebebasan adalah hak setiap orang: setiap individu menikmati kebebasan berkeyakinan, berpikir, berekspresi dan bertindak. Pluralisme dan keragaman agama, warna kulit, jenis kelamin, ras, dan bahasa dikehendaki Tuhan dalam kebijaksanaan-Nya, yang melaluinya Ia menciptakan umat manusia. Kebijaksanaan ilahi ini adalah sumber dari mana hak atas kebebasan berkeyakinan dan kebebasan untuk menjadi berbeda ber-asal. Oleh karena itu, fakta bahwa orang dipaksa untuk mengikuti agama atau budaya tertentu harus ditolak, demikian juga juga pemaksaan cara hidup budaya yang tidak diterima orang lain;
  3. Keadilan yang berlandaskan belas kasihan adalah jalan yang harus diikuti untuk mencapai hidup bermartabat yang setiap manusia berhak atasnya;
  4. Dialog, pemahaman dan promosi luas terhadap budaya toleransi, penerimaan sesama dan hidup bersama secara damai akan sangat membantu untuk mengurangi pelbagai masalah ekonomi, sosial, politik dan lingkungan yang sangat membebani sebagian besar umat manusia;
  5. Dialog antar umat beragama berarti berkumpul bersama dalam ruang luas nilai-nilai rohani, manusiawi, dan sosial bersama dan, dari sini, meneruskan keutamaan-keutamaan moral tertinggi yang dituju oleh agama-agama. Hal ini juga berarti menghindari perdebatan-perdebatan yang tidak produktif;
  6. Perlindungan tempat ibadah  -sinagoga, gereja dan masjid- adalah kewajiban yang dijamin oleh agama, nilai-nilai ke-manusiaan, hukum dan perjanjian internasional. Setiap upaya untuk me-nyerang tempat-tempat ibadah atau mengancam mereka dengan serangan kekerasan, pemboman atau perusakan, merupakan penyimpangan dari ajaran agama-agama serta pelanggaran jelas terhadap hukum internasional;
  7. Terorisme menyedihkan dan meng-ancam keamanan orang, baik mereka di Timur atau Barat, Utara atau Selatan, dan menyebarkan kepanikan, teror dan pesimisme, tetapi ini bukan karena agama, bahkan ketika para teroris mem-peralatnya. Ini lebih disebabkan oleh akumulasi penafsiran yang salah atas teks-teks agama dan oleh kebijakan yang terkait dengan kelaparan, kemiskinan, ketidakadilan, penindasan, dan kesombongan. Inilah sebabnya mengapa sangat penting menghentikan dukungan terhadap gerakan teroris dalam penyediaan dana, penyediaan senjata dan strategi, dan dengan upaya untuk membenarkan gerakan ini bah-kan dengan menggunakan media. Semua ini harus dianggap sebagai kejahatan internasional yang mengancam keamanan dan perdamaian dunia. Te-rorisme semacam itu harus dikutuk dalam segala bentuk dan ekspresinya;
  8. Konsep kewarganegaraan berlandaskan pada kesetaraan hak dan kewajiban, di mana semua menikmati keadilan. Karena itu, pentinglah untuk membentuk dalam masyarakat kita konsep kewarga-negaraan penuh dan menolak penggu-naan istilah minoritas secara diskri-minatif yang menimbulkan perasaan terisolasi dan inferioritas. Penyalahgunaannya melicinkan jalan bagi per-musuhan dan perselisihan; hal itu mengurangi setiap keberhasilan dan menghilangkan hak-hak agama dan sipil dari beberapa warga negara yang terdiskriminasi karenanya;
  9. Hubungan baik antara Timur dan Barat tidak dapat disangkal diperlukan bagi keduanya. Keduanya tidak boleh diabaikan, sehingga masing-masing dapat diperkaya oleh budaya yang lain melalui pertukaran dan dialog yang bermanfaat. Barat dapat menemukan di Timur obat bagi penyakit rohani dan agama yang disebabkan oleh materialisme yang tersebar luas. Dan Timur dapat menemu-kan banyak unsur di Barat yang dapat membantu membebaskannya dari kele-mahan, perpecahan, konflik dan kemunduran pengetahuan, teknik dan budaya. Pentinglah memperhatikan perbedaan agama, budaya dan sejarah yang merupakan unsur vital dalam membentuk karakter, budaya, dan peradaban Timur. Juga penting untuk memperkuat ikatan hak asasi manusia mendasar demi membantu menjamin hidup yang bermartabat bagi semua perempuan dan laki-laki di Timur dan Barat, dengan menghindari politik standar ganda;
  10. Adalah sebuah keharusan untuk meng-akui hak perempuan atas pendidikan dan pekerjaan, dan untuk mengakui kebebasan mereka untuk menggunakan hak politik mereka sendiri. Selain itu, berbagai upaya harus dilakukan untuk membebaskan perempuan dari pengkondisian historis dan sosial yang bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip iman dan martabat mereka. Juga penting untuk melindungi perempuan dari eksploitasi seksual dan dari diperlakukan sebagai barang dagangan atau objek kesenangan atau keuntungan finansial. Oleh karena itu, harus di-hentikan praktik-praktik yang tidak manusiawi dan vulgar yang merendahkan martabat perempuan. Harus dilakukan berbagai upaya untuk mengubah undang-undang yang mencegah perempuan menikmati sepenuhnya hak-hak mereka;
  11. Perlindungan hak-hak dasar anak untuk bertumbuh kembang dalam lingkungan keluarga, untuk memperoleh gizi baik, pendidikan dan dukungan, adalah tugas keluarga dan masyarakat. Tugas-tugas semacam itu harus dijamin dan dilindungi agar tidak diabaikan atau ditolak untuk anak mana pun di belahan dunia mana pun. Semua praktik yang melang-gar martabat dan hak anak harus dikecam. Sama pentingnya untuk waspada terhadap bahaya yang mereka hadapi, khususnya di dunia digital, dan untuk menganggap sebagai kejahatan perdagangan manusia tidak bersalah dan semua pelanggaran masa muda mereka;
  12. Perlindungan hak-hak orang lanjut usia, mereka yang lemah, penyandang difabilitas, dan mereka yang tertindas adalah kewajiban agama dan sosial yang harus dijamin dan dibela melalui undang-undang yang ketat dan pelaksanaan perjanjian internasional yang relevan.

Untuk tujuan di atas, melalui kerja sama timbal balik, Gereja Katolik dan Al-Azhar mengumumkan dan berjanji untuk menyampaikan Dokumen ini kepada pihak-pihak berwenang, pemimpin yang berpengaruh, umat beragama di seluruh dunia, organisasi regional dan internasional yang terkait, organisasi dalam masyarakat sipil, lembaga keagamaan dan para pemikir terkemuka.

Mereka selanjutnya berjanji untuk menyebarluaskan prinsip-prinsip yang terkandung dalam Deklarasi ini di semua tingkat regional dan internasional, seraya meminta agar prinsip-prinsip ini diterjemahkan ke dalam kebijakan, keputusan, teks legislatif, program studi dan materi yang akan diedarkan.

Al-Azhar dan Gereja Katolik meminta agar Dokumen ini menjadi objek penelitian dan refleksi di semua sekolah, universitas dan lembaga pembinaan, sehingga dengan demikian membantu mendidik generasi baru untuk membawa kebaikan dan kedamaian bagi sesama, dan untuk menjadi pembela hak-hak di mana pun mereka berada dari mereka yang tertindas dan yang terkecil dari saudara-saudari kita.

Akhirnya, cita-cita kami adalah: Deklarasi ini bisa menjadi undangan untuk rekonsiliasi dan persaudaraan di antara semua umat beriman, juga di antara umat beriman dan yang tidak beriman, dan di antara semua orang yang berkehendak baik;
Deklarasi ini dapat menjadi seruan bagi setiap hati nurani yang jujur yang menolak kekerasan dan ekstremisme buta; seruan bagi mereka yang menghargai nilai-nilai toleransi dan persaudaraan yang dikembangkan dan didorong oleh agama-agama;

Deklarasi ini dapat menjadi saksi ke-agungan iman kepada Allah yang memper-satukan hati yang terpecah dan mengangkat jiwa manusia;

Deklarasi ini dapat menjadi tanda kedekatan antara Timur dan Barat, antara Utara dan Selatan, dan antara semua yang percaya bahwa Allah telah menciptakan kita untuk saling memahami, saling bekerja sama dan hidup sebagai saudara dan saudari yang saling mengasihi.

Inilah yang kami harapkan dan ingin capai dengan tujuan menemukan perdamaian universal yang dapat dinikmati semua orang dalam hidup ini.

Abu Dhabi, 4 Februari 2019
Bapa Suci Paus Fransiskus
Imam Besar A-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb


£Jakarta News | It seems that the development of an increasingly advanced civilization is not balanced with the improvement in human interaction, especially in “Different Faiths and Religions,” so that here and there there are still frictions between religious communities. These frictions sometimes give birth to conflicts of hatred and hatred, which then lead to bloodshed, suppression, exclusion and other acts of violence. This situation, coupled with a number of different understandings and misunderstandings, has made the wall of separation based on Religion, Faith, and Beliefs thicker and taller in the public sphere; and it is evenly distributed in various places on Earth.

It is this background, coupled with other global problems, that is a concern for religious leaders. Thus, whether you like it or not, forced or not, you have to build a new relationship with each other, in order to minimize differences, and as much as possible remove rooted and new causes of conflict. And, within that framework, the Abu Dhabi Document was born.

A document born in Abu Dhabi. The document that was born from a long process between two interfaith and interfaith figures, namely Al-Ahzar and the Vatican; representing the Muslim and Catholic worlds. The supreme leader of Catholics and Muslims, the Holy Father Pope Francis and Grand Imam A-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb signed a humanitarian pact, later called the Abu Dhabi Document, 4 February 2019.

The Abu Dhabi document has become very valuable and historic, amidst many world conflicts, such as the arms race, social injustice, corruption, terrorism, discrimination, extremism and moral decline.

Al-Azhar and the Catholic Church request that this Document become the object of research and reflection in all schools, universities and educational institutions, so as to help educate new generations to bring goodness and peace to others, and to become defenders of rights wherever they are. to be of those who are oppressed and the least of brothers and sisters in humanity.

Complete Contents of Abu Dhabi Documents

A firm belief that authentic religious teachings invite us to remain rooted in the values ​​of peace; to uphold the values ​​of mutual understanding, human brotherhood and harmonious living together; to rebuild wisdom, justice and love; and to revive religious consciousness among young people so that future generations may be protected from the realm of materialistic thinking and from the dangerous policies of unbridled greed and indifference based on the law of force and not the force of law;

2. Freedom is the right of every person: every individual enjoys the freedom of belief, thought, expression and action. Pluralism and diversity of religions, skin colors, genders, races, and languages ​​are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created mankind. This divine wisdom is the source from which the right to freedom of belief and freedom to be different originates. Therefore, the fact that people are forced to follow a certain religion or culture must be rejected, as well as the imposition of a cultural way of life that is not accepted by others;

3. Justice based on mercy is a path that must be followed in order to achieve a dignified life that every human being has the right to; 4. Dialogue, understanding and widespread promotion of a culture of tolerance, acceptance of others and peaceful coexistence will greatly help to alleviate the many economic, social, political and environmental problems that weigh heavily on a large part of humanity;

5. Dialogue between people of religions means coming together in the vast space of shared spiritual, human and social values ​​and, from this, transmitting the highest moral virtues to which religions aim. It also means avoiding unproductive debates;

6. The protection of places of worship – synagogues, churches and mosques – is a duty guaranteed by religion, human values, laws and international treaties. Any attempt to attack places of worship or threaten them with violent attacks, bombings or destruction, constitutes deviation from the teachings of religions and is a clear violation of international law;

7. Terrorism is deplorable and threatens the safety of people, whether they are in the East or West, North or South, and spreads panic, terror and pessimism, but this is not because of religion, even when terrorists use it. This is caused more by the accumulation of wrong interpretations of religious texts and by policies related to hunger, poverty, injustice, oppression, and pride. This is why it is so important to stop supporting terrorist movements by providing funds, providing weapons and strategies, and by trying to justify these movements even by using the media. All of these must be considered as international crimes that threaten world security and peace. Such terrorism must be condemned in all its forms and expressions;

8. The concept of citizenship is based on equal rights and obligations, where all enjoy justice. Therefore, it is important to establish in our society the concept of full citizenship and reject the discriminatory use of the term minority which creates feelings of isolation and inferiority. Its abuse paves the way for enmity and strife; it detracts from any successes and takes away the religious and civil rights of some citizens who are discriminated against because of it;

9. Good relations between East and West are undeniably necessary for both. Both should not be neglected, so that each can be enriched by the other’s culture through fruitful exchange and dialogue. The West can find in the East a cure for the spiritual and religious ailments caused by widespread materialism. And the East can find in the West many elements that can help free it from weakness, division, conflict and scientific, technical and cultural decline. It is important to pay attention to the differences in religion, culture and history which are vital elements in shaping the character, culture and civilization of the East. It is also important to strengthen the bonds of fundamental human rights to help ensure a life with dignity for all women and men in East and West,

10. It is imperative to recognize women’s right to education and work, and to recognize their freedom to exercise their own political rights. In addition, efforts must be made to liberate women from historical and social conditioning that conflicts with the principles of their faith and dignity. It is also important to protect women from sexual exploitation and from being treated as merchandise or objects of pleasure or financial gain. Therefore, inhumane and vulgar practices that demean women’s dignity must be stopped. Efforts must be made to amend laws that prevent women from fully enjoying their rights;

11. Protection of the basic rights of children to grow and develop in a family environment, to obtain good nutrition, education and support, is the duty of the family and society. Such duties must be guaranteed and protected from being neglected or denied to any child in any part of the world. All practices that violate the dignity and rights of children must be condemned. It is equally important to be aware of the dangers they face, particularly in the digital world, and to regard as a crime innocent human trafficking and all violations of their youth;

12. Protection of the rights of the elderly, those who are weak, people with disabilities, and those who are oppressed is a religious and social obligation that must be guaranteed and defended through strict laws and implementation of relevant international agreements.

To this end, through mutual cooperation, the Catholic Church and Al-Azhar promulgated and pledged to convey this Document to the authorities, influential leaders, religious people worldwide, relevant regional and international organizations, organizations in civil society , religious institutions and prominent thinkers. They further pledge to make known the principles contained in this Declaration at all regional and international levels, while requesting that these principles be translated into policies, decisions, legislative texts, programs of study and materials to be circulated.

Finally, our goal is this: this Declaration can serve as an invitation to reconciliation and fraternity among all believers, also among believers and non-believers, and among all people of good will.

This Declaration can be a wake-up call to every honest conscience that rejects violence and blind extremism; an appeal to those who value the values ​​of tolerance and brotherhood developed and encouraged by religions;

This Declaration can be a witness to the greatness of faith in God which unites divided hearts and elevates the human soul;

This Declaration can be a sign of the closeness between East and West, between North and South, and between all who believe that God has created us to understand one another, cooperate with one another and live as brothers and sisters who love one another.

This is what we hope for and want to achieve with the goal of finding universal peace that everyone can enjoy in this life.

Abu Dhabi, 4 February 2019

Holy Father Pope Francis
High Priest A-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb

If you read and understand well the Abu Dhabi Document above, it turns out that it contains many things which (i) relate to interactions between fellow human beings across Faith and Religion, (ii) concern for those who are forgotten, marginalized, oppressed, disadvantaged, and so on as a result many things that happen in their lives and lives, (iii) the impact of bad treatment experienced by someone in the community because of differences in belief, faith, religion.

Because of that, 2 (two) big and well-known figures from the different Faith Communities (Islam and Catholicism- Al Azhar and the Vatican) “were called upon to do something for them.” Calling (and summons), followed by action and cooperation to overcome these things. It was in this context that the Holy Father Pope Francis and Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb met in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on 4 February 2019. The outcome of the meeting was the Abu Dhabi Document.

Abu Dhabi Documents and Contemporary Context

Unfortunately the beautiful phrases in the Abu Dhabi document, for example the majesty of faith in God, which unites broken hearts and uplifts the human soul that has been oppressed, marginalized, forgotten, and mistreated by others; actually sinking into the wilderness of information as well as speeches and other narratives that attract public attention.

Abu Dhabi document, almost forgotten and forgotten. Therefore, Unika Atmaja is called to revive the Abu Dhabi Document as a Joint Movement to Overcome Humanitarian Problems. So that the noble values ​​contained in the Abu Dhabi Document can be implemented in the lives and lives of the Indonesian people, nation and state.

The activity which was in the form of a National Seminar with friends, “Enlivening the Abu Dhabi Document in the Dialogue of True Brotherhood for Joint Movement to Overcome Humanitarian Problems.” And, in it is the signing of the Atmajaya document, (See Video)

At the seminar, the resource persons generally hoped that the contents of the Abu Dhabi Document would not only be known to/by religious leaders or figures, but also to religious communities in various corners of the archipelago. With that, re-knit human brotherhood across the boundaries of religion, ethnicity and race and political choices, which have been torn apart by various kinds of conflicts and wars.

In addition, Pdt Gomar Gultom, Ketum PGI, who is also a resource person, stated that, it is necessary to develop a balance between textual and contextual approaches in reading and understanding the scriptures; as well as developing a religious life that dives into the substantive values ​​of that religion and is not trapped in religious symbols or formalism.

The same thing was conveyed by Dr. H. Abdul Mu’ti, M. Ed (General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Executive), that the Abu Dhabi Document is very important to understand them at the grassroots level. This is because, so far, for example, there has been a perception that relations between Muslims and Christians put them in a confrontational position, interactions colored by various tensions and rivalries.

In the middle of the seminar, all the speakers made press statements to the media. In essence, they stated that the Abu Dhabi Documents needed to be disseminated (and understood and practiced) down to the grassroots. Therefore, it needs the support of all parties and carried out in a structured, systematic and massive manner.

On the same occasion, the media crew conveyed their concerns about ‘Inflation of Interfaith Documents in Indonesia;’ because there is the Medina Charter (622 AD), the Bogor Charter (2018), the Abu Dhabi Document (2019), and the Atmajaya Document (2023). Indonesian Cardinal, Mgr. Prof Dr, Ignatius Suharyo, stated that, “It is not inflation but grace; God’s gift to the people and nation of Indonesia.”

Charter of Mutual Acceptance and Respect between Religions in Indonesia

  1. Every adherent of a religion views followers of other religions as fellow creatures of God and fellow countrymen.
  2. Every adherent of a religion treats followers of other religions with good intentions and attitudes, empathy, compassion and mutual respect.
  3. Every adherent of a religion along with adherents of other religions develops dialogue and humanitarian cooperation for the progress of the nation.
  4. Each adherent of a religion does not view other people’s religions from their own perspective and does not interfere in the internal affairs of other religions.

5. Each adherent of a religion accepts and respects the similarities and differences of each religion and does not interfere with the areas of doctrine/belief/belief and worship practices of other religions.

6. Every adherent of a religion is committed that inter-religious harmony does not hinder religious broadcasting, and religious broadcasting does not interfere with inter-religious harmony.

Bogor Palace 10-11 February 2018